Saturday, May 23, 2009

Grandma's Surprise!!!

Looky Looky what we got!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Grandma has been wanting a Pram for the little guy for some time now, and we have looked high and low for one-but with no luck! Well, it turns out that Jason's friend Juana had one all along and she was wonderful enough to give it to us!!! We were so excited and knew this would make my mom beyond thrilled!!! So today we got it all ready and walked it over to her house (good thing she only lives 2 blocks away haha) and gave it to her! Now she has her old school stroller and can strut around the neighborhood with her Grandson! Whoohooo!!!

A big thanks to Juana again for all the goodies, she has 3 beautiful children and was kind enough to hand us down some wonderful things. It was truly a blessing and we are so thankful!!!

lol How does the mommy-to-be look!?!?

Even Tommy was excited, so he delivered it with us!!!
He's probably wondering what all this new stuff in the house is for ;)

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